A good way to select an actor on the hierarchy?

Hi all

I have the following scenario, that looks as the following:enter image description here

I would like to send messages from DetectorFSM to AppTriggerSupervisor (the blue solid line) and the question is, how to design it correctly.

What is the best way to get the reference of AppTriggerSupervisor on actor DetectorFSM ? Via Path or Reference ? If via Reference , then I have to get the reference of AppTriggerSupervisor somehow(pass the reference during initialization?).

Or should I send messages from DetectorFSM to DetectorSupervisor first(the red solid line) and then from there send it to AppTriggerSupervisor ?

But the main question is, I am searching the best practice to get references from actors, that are not on the same node. For example, like AppTriggerSupervisor and DetectorSupervisor on the picture above. AppTriggerSupervisor and DetectorSupervisor do not know from each other, but I would like to exchange messages between them, so how to get to know each other?
