Actor response message doesn't use serialization

It seems that a response message, which is sent from a typed actor, skips a protobuf serialization defined in the configuration.

There is a simple akka typed microservice that is written using cluster/sharding and persistence with Cassandra journal, it runs in a local cluster with only 1 machine.

It has a single actor which handles a command (this command is properly serialized using protobuf) and then sends a response message to replyTo from the command. The problem is that such a message doesn’t get serialized at all.

I forced serialization of all messages, this is a config file application.conf: {
  shipment-proto = "com.shipment.protobuf.ProtobufSerializer"
} {
  "com.shipment.Shipment" = shipment-proto
  "com.shipment.command.FindShipmentByNumber" = shipment-proto
} = on = off

There is a class which sends a command to entity (sharding) actor:

class Service {

def findShipment(shipmentNumber: String): Future[Shipment] = {
    val ref: EntityRef[ShipmentCommand] = sharding.entityRefFor(ShipmentModel.TypeKey, shipmentNumber)

    ref.ask { replyTo: ActorRef[Shipment] =>
        shipmentNumber = shipmentNumber,
        replyTo = replyTo


And the actor itself:

case class Shipment(shipmentNumber: String)

object ShipmentModel {

val TypeKey: EntityTypeKey[ShipmentCommand] =

  def apply(persistenceId: PersistenceId): Behavior[ShipmentCommand] = {

    Behaviors.setup { context: ActorContext[ShipmentCommand] =>
        .withEnforcedReplies[ShipmentCommand, ShipmentEvent, Option[Shipment]](
          persistenceId = persistenceId,
          emptyState = None,
          commandHandler = (state, cmd) =>
             cmd match {
               case FindShipmentByNumber(_, replyTo) =>
                    Effect.reply(replyTo)(Shipment(shipmentNumber = "123"))
          eventHandler = (state, event) =>

There is also a protobuf serializer for the Shipment class:

class ProtobufSerializer(system: ExtendedActorSystem)
  extends SerializerWithStringManifest {
  val ShipmentManifest = "001"
  val FindShipmentManifest = "003"

  // should be unique, check other serializers before assigning
  def identifier: Int = 1205

  def manifest(o: AnyRef): String = {
    o match {
      case _: Shipment => ShipmentManifest
      case _: FindShipmentByNumber   => FindShipmentManifest

  def toBinary(o: AnyRef): Array[Byte] = {
    println("Serializing new message: " + o)

    (o match {
      case o: Shipment => toProtobuf(o)
      case o: FindShipmentByNumber   => toProtobuf(o)

Why does the FindShipmentByNumber message get serializied properly (I can see Serializing new message .. in the console) but Shipment doesn’t ?
How is it possible to avoid the serialization of actor response message even if is enabled?

Akka version is 2.6.15, jdk 14.0.2

Appreciate any ideas.
Thanks in advance!

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Perhaps the serialization of the replyTo ActorRef is wrong so that the reply is actually not sent back to the remote recipienten?

See Serialization • Akka Documentation

@patriknw It seems like a reasonable suggestion, but I don’t think that it can be an issue.
I used a recommended approach for actor ref serializiation:

def actorRefResolver: ActorRefResolver = {

val serializedActorRef: String = ???
// deserialize

val replyTo: ActorRef = ???

The actor response is actually sent to Service, so I can see the json response in http client tool:

    "shipmentNumber": "123"

Also the replyTo is properly resolved, I added

case FindShipmentByNumber(number, replyTo) =>
        println("replyTo: "+ replyTo)
       Effect.reply(replyTo)(Shipment(shipmentNumber = number))

and it is printed as replyTo: Actor[akka://local/temp/ShipmentActor-123$a#0]