Akka Cluster migration to 2.6.0 => Nodes compatibility 2.5 and 2.6

Hello everyone,

I am currently responsible for the migration of Akka to version 2.6 on our app.

We would like firstly to keep the “classic” Netty remote and migrate to Artery subsequently. Secondly, we would like to avoid shutting down cluster nodes who are currently running.

Can two cluster nodes with different Akka versions (2.5 and 2.6) and using Netty remote communicate smoothly ? The tests I ran on a virtual platform were not promising.

Thanks in advance for your help

Did anyone of you encouter any similar issue while migrating Akka Cluster to 2.6 ?

If anyone of you have any experience with a smooth migration without shutdown and more specifically with the deprecation of Netty, I am interested !

Thanks :slight_smile:

I’m afraid a rolling migration from the Netty based remoting to Artery is not possible, you will need to do a full cluster restart.

Okay ! And what about a rolling migration to 2.6 while keeping Netty? Do you think it is technically feasible?


Yes that should work.

The Netty based remoting has been deprecated which means it will stay for the whole 2.6 lifecycle and will be dropped for Akka 2.7 though, so it is important that you make some plans for switching over.

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