Akka gRPC 2.1.0 released

Dear hakkers,

We’re happy to announce version 2.1.0 of Akka gRPC!

gRPC is a transport mechanism for request/response and (non-persistent) streaming use cases. See Why gRPC? for more information about when to use gRPC as your transport.


Changes since 2.0.0




  • Use handler directive in Akka HTTP interop Scala sample #1427 by @raboof

Project infrastructure


For a full list of changes see the releases overview


For this release we had the help of 13 contributors – thank you all very much!

Author Commits Lines added Lines removed
raboof raboof 14 236 86
jrudolph jrudolph 12 443 367
note note 2 224 14
patriknw patriknw 2 57 30
viktorklang viktorklang 2 41 20
ignasi35 ignasi35 2 8 56
lomigmegard lomigmegard 1 63 36
RomanLebid RomanLebid 1 52 43
Vict0rynox Vict0rynox 1 33 8
jasonxh jasonxh 1 11 2
eugeniyk eugeniyk 1 2 2
thesamet thesamet 1 2 0

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Happy hakking!

– The Akka Team