Alpakka Kafka 2.0.3

Dear hakkers,

We’re glad to let you know that Alpakka Kafka 2.0.3 is available now.

Akka Cluster Sharding integration

Its flagship feature is the Akka Cluster Sharding integration to co-locate Kafka partition reading with Akka Cluster shards. The feature is discussed in detail in this video.

Major new functionality

  • Retry committing of offsets when failure is marked as retriable #1111 by @ennru
  • Delay commits until the next offset is observed #1093 by @seglo
  • Non-streaming producer wrapper #1085 by @ennru
  • Drain partial offset commit batches on upstream failure #1058 by @sdudzin
  • Kafka client 2.4.1 #1103 by @ennru

The way forward

For now, we don’t have any updates for Alpakka Kafka pending.
The next release might be based on the Apache Kafka 2.5 client.

We consider dropping Scala 2.11 #1012, Akka 2.5 #1113 and Embedded Kafka in the testkit #1114. If that doesn’t resonate with you, comment on the issues to discuss it.

Akka by Lightbend

The Akka core team is employed by Lightbend. If you’re looking to take your Akka systems to the next level, let’s set up a time to discuss our enterprise-grade expert support, self-paced education courses, and technology enhancements that help you manage, monitor and secure your Akka systems - from development to production.

Happy hakking,
Your Alpakkas