Announce: Akka Stream Kafka / Reactive Kafka v0.20 released!

Dear hakkers,
we are happy to announce the release of Akka Stream Kafka 0.20, part of the Alpakka family of projects.
This release brings a number of nice improvements, listed below, as well as support for Kafka 1.0.

Highlights of this release:

  • Kafka 1.0 support #366
  • Consumer metrics exposed in Control materialized value #338
  • Ability to listen for Consumer rebalance events #421

Learn more about the new features in the updated documentation:


A total of 8 issues was closed in this release.

We would like to thank all contributors who helped with this release, both by contributing code and opening issues, thanks!

For a detailed list of changes in this release see v0.20 milestone on github.

commits  added  removed
     18    638      341 Konrad Malawski
      5     57       21 sullis
      3      6        2 Jimin Hsieh
      2     19        1 Christopher Batey
      2      5        4 Philippus Baalman
      2      2        2 Sean Sullivan
      1      4        4 Adam
      1      2        2 mihbor
      1      2        2 Christoph Stumpf

Happy hakking,
Akka team