BehaviorTestKit.expectEffect(Spawned) seems useless for behaviors created by methods

object Test {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

    def child(s: String): Behavior[String] =
      Behaviors.immutable {
        case (_, `s`) => Behaviors.same
        case (_, _)   => Behaviors.stopped

    sealed trait Command

    val parent: Behavior[Command] =
      Behaviors.setup { context =>
        context.spawn(child("foo"), "child")

    val testKit = BehaviorTestKit(parent)
    testKit.expectEffect(Effects.Spawned(child("foo"), "child"))

this leads to

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: expected: Spawned(Immutable(MainTests.scala:34-36),child,EmptyProps) but found Spawned(Immutable(MainTests.scala:34-36),child,EmptyProps)

So it seems that the two behaviors are compared using equals and this doesn’t work.

There will be a new expectEffectType[T] that can be used for this. E.g.

testKit.expectEffect[Spawned].childName should === ("child")

See PR

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Great! I have also added an expectEffectPF to my project.

  implicit final class TestKitOps[A](val testKit: BehaviorTestKit[A]) extends AnyVal {

    def expectEffectPF[B](pf: PartialFunction[Effect, B]): B = {
      def unexpected(effect: Effect) = throw new AssertionError(s"Unexpected Effect: $effect")
      pf.applyOrElse(testKit.retrieveEffect(), unexpected)