Cannot load the JNotify native library (no jnotify in java.library.path)

When I try to run any play project, I’m getting the following warning, and it seems to be making my projects run considerably slower than normal:

Cannot load the JNotify native library (no jnotify in java.library.path)
Play will check file changes for each request, so expect degraded reloading performace.

I found this question, that seems to have solved the issue for Windows users, but I haven’t found a solution for Linux machines

I tried copying the .jar and .so downloaded from here into /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_212/bin/ with no success

Also, I noticed that in my play directory (~/play/repository/local/net.contentobjects.jnotify/jnotify/0.94/jars) there is a jnotify.jar, so I’m not sure why it is not using that one

Any help is appreciated!

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