Cinnamon-agent.jar not included in docker image

We are trying to incorporate metrics into our lagom services, but the cinnamon-agent.jar is not added into the docker file generated.

We have the following configuration:

  1. Added the dependency management plugin
  1. Using the Lightbend document docker build
                                    java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal $JAVA_OPT -cp '/maven/*' -Dconfig.file=/etc/opt/engage/authentication-service.conf -Dlogger.file=/etc/opt/engage/authenticationservice-logback.xml -Dplay.crypto.secret="${APPLICATION_SECRET:-none}""${AKKA_ACTOR_SYSTEM_NAME:-authentication-service-v1}" -Dhttp.address="$AUTHENTICATIONSERVICE_BIND_IP" -Dhttp.port="$AUTHENTICATIONSERVICE_BIND_PORT" play.core.server.ProdServerStart

When we add the -javaagent:cinnamon-agent.jar to the entrypoint we’re unable to start the service.

While the container is running we did a grep to find the location of the cinnamon-agent.jar and it isn’t there.

Does someone have the valid configuration to include this JAR in the docker build?

Did you ever find a solution for this?

Please direct questions about Lightbend commercial products to Lightbend Support. Thanks!