Good Day
My name is Cian
I have been following the guide on " Deploying a Lagom application to OpenShift" ( for the Java Maven shopping cart example Lagom 1.5.1 application.
I followed the guide exactly and everything works fine until I get to the " Building using Maven" section where I get an error at the “Building the docker image” subsection. More specifically, I get an error when I build the docker images, tag them and push them to the OpenShift repository using the command mvn -Ddocker.useOpenShiftAuth -Ddocker.registry=$DOCKER_REPO_URL/$NAMESPACE -am -pl shopping-cart package docker:push
. The error I receive is: [ERROR] DOCKER> Unable to pull 'adoptopenjdk/openjdk8:latest' from registry '' : Error parsing reference: "" is not a valid repository/tag: invalid reference format (Internal Server Error: 500) [Error parsing reference: "" is not a valid repository/tag: invalid reference format (Internal Server Error: 500)]
Note I am using Minishift and my DOCKER_REPO_URL
was set as in the guide using DOCKER_REPO_URL=$(minishift openshift registry)
. My namespace is also the same as in the guide; that is, NAMESPACE=myproject
How do I resolve this error? I am not sure what is wrong or why it’s complaining since I followed the guide exactly.
Any assistance regarding this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You