Deploying a Lagom application to OpenShift - error when pushing to OpenShift registry

Good Day

My name is Cian

I have been following the guide on " Deploying a Lagom application to OpenShift" ( for the Java Maven shopping cart example Lagom 1.5.1 application.

I followed the guide exactly and everything works fine until I get to the " Building using Maven" section where I get an error at the “Building the docker image” subsection. More specifically, I get an error when I build the docker images, tag them and push them to the OpenShift repository using the command mvn -Ddocker.useOpenShiftAuth -Ddocker.registry=$DOCKER_REPO_URL/$NAMESPACE -am -pl shopping-cart package docker:push. The error I receive is: [ERROR] DOCKER> Unable to pull 'adoptopenjdk/openjdk8:latest' from registry '' : Error parsing reference: "" is not a valid repository/tag: invalid reference format (Internal Server Error: 500) [Error parsing reference: "" is not a valid repository/tag: invalid reference format (Internal Server Error: 500)]

Note I am using Minishift and my DOCKER_REPO_URL was set as in the guide using DOCKER_REPO_URL=$(minishift openshift registry). My namespace is also the same as in the guide; that is, NAMESPACE=myproject.

How do I resolve this error? I am not sure what is wrong or why it’s complaining since I followed the guide exactly.

Any assistance regarding this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You


Before you can push to OpenShift’s built in docker registry, you need to log into it (as explained in the tutorial) and then execute docker pull adoptopenjdk/openjdk8.

Then continue with the steps in the tutorial.

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