Failed to set up a cluster using Akka Cluster Bootstrap without specifying seed nodes

Thanks a lot for your answer. Was really looking for some help.

I’m trying to deploy this locally as a first step. I build only the first service in the hello-world example (i.e. the hello-impl service) with sbt dist and run it via ./lagom-scala-impl-1.0-SNAPSHOT/bin/lagom-scala-impl -Dplay.http.secret.key=changemeasdf.

BTW, please note that I also tried to include service-name-mappings configuration as described in the documentation, like:

lagom.akka.discovery.service-name-mappings {
    service-name-mappings {
        lagom-scala {
            lookup = "lagom-scala" #(I also tried to provide full SRV names for the `lookup` field like `_http._tcp.lagom-scala` or `_http._tcp.lagomscala`. But none of them worked.
            scheme = http

As far as I could follow the documentation, this configuration should have started the service by instantiating a cluster where dynamic configurations are used as explained at: Lagom ServiceLocator using deterministic hostnames

I already read the relevant Lagom and Akka documentations but I’m not sure what I’m missing. You mention DNS as a standalone component. Do I need to establish something related to it in my local settings? (If so, could you please point me to some relevant documentation) I was thinking the locator would be providing DNS-related capabilities.