getWhenTerminated in akka 2.5.9

In Akka 2.5.12 there is a method:

And this works

CompletionStage<Terminated> stage = system.getWhenTerminated();
stage.thenRun(() ->System.out.println( "--Master Actor System Terminated"));    

For legacy purposes I need to use 2.5.9, but am confused on the first parameter, I would like to do something the same like this:

      Future<Terminated> fts = system.whenTerminated();
    	() -> System.out.println( "--Master actor system terminated"), 
        , system.dispatcher());
  1. Is this a viable option for 2.5.9
  2. What do I pass i for the first parameter?

I think the nicest option is to transform the Future into a CompletionStage using the scala-java8-compat library (you likely have it as a transitive dependency via Akka already) and then use that as you are used to with a Java lambda.

There’s a Java example in the tests transforming a future to a completion stage here:

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So in essence is the only difference of getWhenTerminated and whenTerminated is one returns a future, and the other a completion stage?

So in essence is the only difference of getWhenTerminated and whenTerminated is one returns a future, and the other a completion stage?

Correct, that’s the only difference; one is intended for Java users and the other for Scala users.

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