Lagom method - receive a class containing multiple query parameters


We are building multiples End-Points in lagom with equivalent query parameters, which we use to filtering.

It is boring to put every filter parameter on every End-Point all the time

  def getStuff(offset:Option[Int], limit:Option[Int],
                createdOnFrom:Option[LocalDateTime], createdOnTo:Option[LocalDateTime],
                modifiedOnFrom:Option[LocalDateTime], modifiedOnTo:Option[LocalDateTime]
               ):ServiceCall[NotUsed, DataList[Stuff]]

 override def descriptor: Descriptor =
      restCall(Method.GET, "/api/stuff?offset&limit&status&id&createdOnFrom&createdOnTo&modifiedOnFrom&modifiedOnTo", getStuff _),

I would like to have something like this:

  case class Filters(offset:Option[Int], limit:Option[Int],
                createdOnFrom:Option[LocalDateTime], createdOnTo:Option[LocalDateTime],
                modifiedOnFrom:Option[LocalDateTime], modifiedOnTo:Option[LocalDateTime])

  def getStuff(filters:Filters):ServiceCall[NotUsed, DataList[Stuff]]

So that I could use the class Filter in the multiple End-Points

But I see some problems:

  • How could we map the query parameters name in the restCall ?
    Perhaps it could use the field name as query parameter name…
  • The interface ‘PathParamSerializer’ only serialize values from one query parameter,
    I cant just implement a PathParamSerializer[Filters] since that needs to be related with one query parameter

I would love to implement it and do a Pull request, since I never done it before if someone could help I would be grateful