Play JSON transformer for copying value from optional field

This is another JSON transformer problem where I need some help, next to this one

Given the following JSON where fileKey is an optional field (can be present or not):

	"invoiceState": {
		"userId": "832eac3d-89d2-428c-9007-688b3e590533",
		"invoices": {
			"407613d7-7dc0-4cd6-8d62-41eea7067ca0": {
				"fileKey": {
					"key": "407613d7-7dc0-4cd6-8d62-41eea7067ca4"
				"externalId": "I-000000-000000"
			"8d16b2f8-ced0-4b41-8b6b-b275709ba88a": {
				"externalId": "I-000000-000001"

I would like to transform it to this:

	"invoiceState": {
		"userId": "832eac3d-89d2-428c-9007-688b3e590533",
		"invoices": {
			"407613d7-7dc0-4cd6-8d62-41eea7067ca0": {
				"file": {
					"path": "407613d7-7dc0-4cd6-8d62-41eea7067ca4",
					"createdTime": "Some UTC time"
				"externalId": "I-000000-000000"
			"8d16b2f8-ced0-4b41-8b6b-b275709ba88a": {
				"externalId": "I-000000-000001"

The main problem is the fact that the fileKey field is optional.

I would also appreciate some help here.

After a long try and error loop I now found a solution which seems to work for my case:

def fileKeyToFileMetadata: Reads[JsValue] =[JsString].map {
        case JsString(s) =>
              FileMetadata(Paths.get(s), Instant.EPOCH)

    val invoices: Reads[JsObject] =
      (JsPath \ "file").json
          (JsPath \ "fileKey" \ "key").json.pick(fileKeyToFileMetadata)

    (JsPath \ "invoiceState" \ "invoices").json