Publish custom version Lagom to corporate Nexus 3

Sometimes you want to build and publish a custom version of Lagom with bugfix (don’t forget share fix to community :smile:) or maybe specific features.

Below the simple How To, how you can do that using Nexus 3 and Maven repository.

  1. Change version in versions.sbt
  2. WA for SBT 0.13 (see details if interested). Add to top of build.sbt next line:
isSnapshot in ThisBuild := true 
  1. Change sonatypeSettings in build.sbt:
def sonatypeSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
  // Use for publish release versions
  publishTo := Some("releases"  at "http://nexus.domain/repository/maven-releases"),
  // Use for publish snapshot versions
  // publishTo := Some("snapshots" at "nexus.domain/repository/maven-snapshots"),
  credentials += Credentials(
    "Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager",
    sys.props.getOrElse("nexusUser", System.getenv("NEXUS_USER")),
    sys.props.getOrElse("nexusPassword", System.getenv("NEXUS_PASSWORD"))
  1. Remove publishTo settings for sbt-plugin and add sonatypeSettings:
lazy val `sbt-plugin` = (project in file("dev") / "sbt-plugin")
  .settings(sonatypeSettings: _*)
    publishMavenStyle := true
  1. Export environment variables (Bintray credentials can be empty):
export NEXUS_USER=nexus_user
export NEXUS_PASSWORD=****
  1. Run publish command
sbt "+++ 2.12.6 publish"
  1. Profit!

PS: Of course, a Lagom develops and sometime this instruction may become outdated. But I think it may be useful for someone like us :wink:


Patch for build.sbt:

Index: build.sbt
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
--- build.sbt	(revision 850a97b46b9b7f451a830fa7d51295d14ee1e130)
+++ build.sbt	(date 1552469191000)
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 // Turn off "Resolving" log messages that clutter build logs
 ivyLoggingLevel in ThisBuild := UpdateLogging.Quiet
+isSnapshot in ThisBuild := true
 def defineSbtVersion(scalaBinVer: String): String = scalaBinVer match {
   case "2.12" => "1.2.1"
@@ -136,7 +137,17 @@
 def sonatypeSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
-  publishTo := sonatypePublishTo.value
+  // Use for publish release versions
+  publishTo := Some("releases"  at "http://nexus.domain/repository/maven-releases")
+  // Use for publish SNAPSHOT versions
+  // publishTo := Some("snapshots" at "http://nexus.domain/repository/maven-snapshots")
+  ,
+  credentials += Credentials(
+    "Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager",
+    "nexus.domain",
+    sys.props.getOrElse("nexusUser", System.getenv("NEXUS_USER")),
+    sys.props.getOrElse("nexusPassword", System.getenv("NEXUS_PASSWORD"))
+  )
 def runtimeScalaSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
@@ -1162,6 +1173,7 @@
   .settings(common: _*)
   .settings(scriptedSettings: _*)
+  .settings(sonatypeSettings: _*)
     name := "lagom-sbt-plugin",
     sbtPlugin := true,
@@ -1206,13 +1218,7 @@
       val () = (publishLocal in `sbt-scripted-library`).value
       val () = (publishLocal in LocalProject("sbt-scripted-tools")).value
-    publishTo := {
-      if (isSnapshot.value) {
-        // Bintray doesn't support publishing snapshots, publish to Sonatype snapshots instead
-        Some(Opts.resolver.sonatypeSnapshots)
-      } else publishTo.value
-    },
-    publishMavenStyle := isSnapshot.value
+    publishMavenStyle := true
 lazy val `maven-plugin` = (project in file("dev") / "maven-plugin")