ReadSideProcessor insert/delete failure

My question is related to ReadSideProcessor insert failure.

My problem is still the same, I do not see what the final insert/delete statements are which are being used to insert/delete data in Cassandra. I’ve made some changes to some of the domain model classes and have updated the related DAO code but a few of the inserts/deletes are not working.

The only thing I can see is the delete bind values for each of the read-side tables, but beyond that I have no clue which actual Cassandra insert/delete statements (with values for each column) are being used? If I can see any debug log for these or any debugging steps to solve these failures are highly appreciated.


Hi @mmwaikar,

if logging CQL statements is enough for you to move forward I think you should be able to set cassandra logs to debug on logback.xml.
Would that work ?