Strange behaviour when using the play sbt plugin

In one of my projects, I am using the play sbt plugin (addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-plugin" % "2.6.25") and I am facing some issues in a multi-project sbt build. I have created a sample project to reproduce the issue here:

Basically, my root sbt project is composed of 2 subprojects:

  • The first, named project1, is a pure Scala project that prints its current working directory and a system variable that I added using the javaOptions variable in the project settings
  • The second, named project2, is using the PlayScala plugins an does the same

Expected behavior (project1)

When running: sbt ";clean;reload;project1/run

  • the system variables set in javaOptions are available in the project
  • the working directory of the project is ./project1

Observed behavior (project2)

The behavior of project2:

When running: sbt ";clean;reload;project2/run

  • the system variables set in javaOptions are ignored by the project
  • the working directory of the project is the root project when it should be ./project2

Reproduce the issue

Clone the project: git clone

Run ./

Once play is started, curl http://localhost:9000

In project2, the working directory and the variable are printed on TestController initialization

What could explain why the behavior is different between project1 and project2 ?