TechEmpower performance benchmark results round 15, including several play2 setups

Alright, back with the result. Sorry for the timeout once again, life’s just been busy.

I did the test in all 6 situations(3 possible provided options times 2 possible compile options: with disabling akka and without).

Short story: if you compile the application without disabling the Akka HTTP server plugin, both the Akka and Netty server jars will be on your classpath, regardless of what you provided as a setting in the commandline.

If you compile the application with .disablePlugins(PlayAkkaHttpServer) only the Netty server jar will be on your classpath and trying to launch with akka specifically won’t work.

The output:

Without disabling Akka:

With disabling Akka:

So yeah, it clearly affects how your application is loaded. Someone who forgets to disable the plugin but runs explicitly with the Netty server provider will still have the Akka Http jar loaded onto their classpath.