Which settings or configurations should I make to deploy the Hello World Play Framework application to AWS?

I strictly follow the instruction on the Play framework and Boxfuse website when deploying the 2.8.x version of the the PLAY SCALA HELLO WORLD TUTORIAL application at Get Started with Lightbend Technologies | Lightbend Tech Hub.

I was using Openjdk 1.8, Scala Sdk 2.3.14, and Play framework version 2.8.7. When I deployed, I encountered the error

JVM exited with status 255
WARNING: Run failed: Time out: Payload of Instance I-############# failed to come up within 300 seconds at http://:9000/
=> ensure your application responds with an HTTP 200 at / on port 9000
=> check the logs for I-############# in prod
=> ensure the healthcheck configuration (healthcheck.port, healthcheck.path, healthcheck.timeout) matches your application