Adding to session inside Java CompletionStage

I am using Java Play Framework 2.5 (cannot upgrade to 2.6 until my authentication is updated). When a user logs into my application, I want to send a request to a web service to retrieve information about that user’s geolocation, specifically their zip code. I will then save their zip code into session and use that elsewhere in my application, specifically around search.

The problem I am having is, it appears that I can add zip code to session, and I can see that it has been added, but it only works inside my thenApply scope. Elsewhere in my app, when I call session.get(“user_zip”), that value is not found.

String url = "";
WSRequest request = ws.url(url);
final Http.Session session = Http.Context.current().session();

ws.url(url).get().thenApply(response -> {
    JsonNode json = response.asJson();
    String userId = session.get(UsersService.USER_ID); // works, I can read from session
    String zipCode = null;
    if (json != null && json.has("zip_code")) {
        zipCode = json.get("zip_code").asText();
    if (zipCode != null) {
        session.put("USER_ZIP", zipCode); // works, can add to session
        String zip = session.get("USER_ZIP"); // works, can read from session
    return json; // not using this, but must return

I also tried this approach, passing in the httpExecutionContext.current() from my controller action, but my variables saved in session do not persist outside of this method.

ws.url(url).get().thenAcceptAsync(response -> {
    JsonNode json = response.asJson();
    String zipCode = null;
    if (json != null && json.has("zip_code")) {
        zipCode = json.get("zip_code").asText();
    if (zipCode != null) {
        ctx().session().put(UsersService.USER_ZIP, zipCode);
        String ctxZip = ctx().session().get(UsersService.USER_ZIP);
    } else {
}, httpExecutionContext.current());

Both approaches I have tried, I can read from session just fine, and I can write to session (temporarily) making me think it works, but I am unable to access the variables I write to session outside of this scope.

Any ideas?

Thanks for any help.