Akka Cluster local discovery using akka-bootstrap and akka-discovery

I used a reference for my implementation.

Discovery Method: Configuration

I want to use with the same hostname and different ports for cluster endpoints as mentioned in below conf file

Please find below conf file

When I start the first node, it is forming the cluster, When I start the second node it is forming its own cluster instead of joining existing cluster.

In the end, I don’t want to manually configure seed nodes, I want to have dynamic cluster formation based upon whichever node I start first.

Please help how to fix it.

akka {

  actor {
    provider = "cluster"
    allow-java-serialization = on
  remote {

    maximum-payload-bytes = 10000000 bytes
    netty.tcp {

      message-frame-size = 10000000b
      send-buffer-size = 10000000b
      receive-buffer-size = 10000000b
      maximum-frame-size = 10000000b

  cluster {
    auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s #Not required in general.
    jmx.multi-beans-in-same-jvm = on
    jmx.multi-mbeans-in-same-jvm = on

#akka.cluster.shutdown-after-unsuccessful-join-seed-nodes = 30s
#akka.coordinated-shutdown.exit-jvm = on

akka.discovery {
  config.services = {
    local-cluster = {
      endpoints = [
          host = ""
          port = 8560
          host = ""
          port = 8561

akka.management.health-checks {
  readiness-path = "health/ready"
  liveness-path = "health/alive"

akka.management.http {
  route-providers-read-only = false
  port = 8561

akka.management {
  cluster.bootstrap {
    contact-point-discovery {
      service-name = "local-cluster"
      discovery-method = config
      required-contact-point-nr = 1

Java code

	final Config config = 
			ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.remote.artery.canonical.hostname= \n"
				      + "akka.management.http.hostname = \n"
				      + "akka.remote.artery.canonical.port=" + configuration.getPort()
			.withFallback(ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.cluster.roles = ["+ROLE_PRODUCER+"]"))

	system = ActorSystem.create(configuration.getActorSystem(), config);

	producer = system.actorOf(
			Props.create(ProducerActor.class , consumerQueue , consumers, configuration, commConfig), AkkaConstants.PRODUCER_ACTOR );
	cluster = Cluster.get(system);

I am no expert, but it looks like you are trying to use the same port for one of your clusters as for your management endpoint. The akka.management.http.port needs to be different from your cluster.