Can't receive the message in Akka Cluster

Hello everyone,
I’m attempting to send a message from senderActor within Microservice A using the concept of “Classic Distributed Publish Subscribe in Cluster” I’m trying to publish the message to the content-topic, but I’m not receiving it in the ReceiverActor located in Microservice B. Do you have any insight into what might be causing this issue?

Thank you!

t he Conf-file in A

akka {
  actor {
    provider = "cluster"
  remote {
    artery {
      enabled = on
      canonical {
        hostname = "localhost"
        port = 2551
  cluster {
    seed-nodes = [

The SenderActor:

public class SenderActor extends AbstractActor {
    ActorRef mediator = DistributedPubSub.get(getContext().system()).mediator();
    public Receive createReceive() {
        return receiveBuilder()
                        in -> {
                            String out = in.toUpperCase();
                            mediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Publish("content", out), getSelf());

the main in Microservice A:

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
        Config config = ConfigFactory.load("application.conf");

        ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create("cluster-system", config);
        Cluster cluster = Cluster.get(system);
        ActorRef publisher = system.actorOf(Props.create(SenderActor.class), "publisher");
        publisher.tell("hello from microservice A ", null);

the Conf-file in B

akka {
  actor {
    provider = "cluster"
  remote {
    artery {
      enabled = on
      canonical {
        hostname = "localhost"
        port = 2552
  cluster {
    seed-nodes = [

The ReceiverActor class:

public class ReceiverActor extends AbstractActor {
    LoggingAdapter log = Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), this);
    public ReceiverActor() {
        ActorRef mediator = DistributedPubSub.get(getContext().system()).mediator();
        mediator.tell(new DistributedPubSubMediator.Subscribe("content", getSelf()), getSelf());
    public Receive createReceive() {
        return receiveBuilder()
                .match(String.class, msg -> {
          "Received message in receiver-actor-b: {}", msg);
                        msg ->"SubscribeAck: {}", msg))

the main in Microservice B:

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
        Config config = ConfigFactory.load("application.conf");

        ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create("cluster-system", config);
        Cluster cluster = Cluster.get(system);
        ActorRef subscriber = system.actorOf(Props.create(ReceiverActor.class), "subscriber");

itry to get the message "hello from microservice A ", but i get just the flowings logs in B:

2023-08-20T15:53:14.067+02:00  INFO 7788 --- [           main] c.e.M.MicroserviceBbApplication          : Started MicroserviceBbApplication in 0.909 seconds (process running for 1.723)
2023-08-20T15:53:14.552+02:00  INFO 7788 --- [lt-dispatcher-5] akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger             : Slf4jLogger started
2023-08-20T15:53:14.900+02:00  INFO 7788 --- [lt-dispatcher-5] akka.remote.artery.ArteryTransport       : Remoting started with transport [Artery tcp]; listening on address [akka://cluster-system@localhost:2552] with UID [6730186213375081245]
2023-08-20T15:53:14.925+02:00  INFO 7788 --- [lt-dispatcher-5] akka.cluster.Cluster                     : Cluster Node [akka://cluster-system@localhost:2552] - Starting up, Akka version [2.8.3] ...
2023-08-20T15:53:14.980+02:00  INFO 7788 --- [lt-dispatcher-5] akka.cluster.Cluster                     : Cluster Node [akka://cluster-system@localhost:2552] - Registered cluster JMX MBean [akka:type=Cluster]
2023-08-20T15:53:14.981+02:00  INFO 7788 --- [lt-dispatcher-5] akka.cluster.Cluster                     : Cluster Node [akka://cluster-system@localhost:2552] - Started up successfully
2023-08-20T15:53:15.006+02:00  INFO 7788 --- [t-dispatcher-13] akka.cluster.Cluster                     : Cluster Node [akka://cluster-system@localhost:2552] - No downing-provider-class configured, manual cluster downing required, see
2023-08-20T15:53:15.624+02:00  INFO 7788 --- [t-dispatcher-13] akka.cluster.Cluster                     : Cluster Node [akka://cluster-system@localhost:2552] - Received InitJoinAck message from [Actor[akka://cluster-system@localhost:2551/system/cluster/core/daemon#1745370250]] to [akka://cluster-system@localhost:2552]
2023-08-20T15:53:15.675+02:00  INFO 7788 --- [t-dispatcher-13] akka.cluster.Cluster                     : Cluster Node [akka://cluster-system@localhost:2552] - Welcome from [akka://cluster-system@localhost:2551]
2023-08-20T15:53:16.077+02:00  INFO 7788 --- [lt-dispatcher-5] c.example.MicroserviceBB.ReceiverActor   : SubscribeAck: SubscribeAck(Subscribe(content,None,Actor[akka://cluster-system/user/subscriber1#-339648796]))
2023-08-20T16:24:19.549+02:00  INFO 7788 --- [t-dispatcher-40]           : Running CoordinatedShutdown with reason [JvmExitReason]

Process finished with exit code 130

Looks like you publish the message immediately after starting A. At that point B has not started, joined, and subscribed to the topic. I think it will work if you publish the message later.

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Hi Patrik,

Thanks a lot for your help – everything’s working now.

I’m looking into using Akka Clustering to make different microservices share events with each other. Here’s how I imagine it working: Service A sends out an event on a certain topic. Then, an Actor in Service B listens for this event on that topic and does something with it. After that, Service B sends the event to a different topic, where Service C can grab and use it. This keeps going on for other services as needed.

In simple terms, I want Service B to act like a middleman just for passing around events between different services, similar to how Kafka works. Do you think Akka Clustering is a good fit for this job? Or do you suggest checking out other parts of Akka for this purpose?