Type id handling not implemented for type scala.Tuple3 (by serializer of type com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.ser.TupleSerializer)

Hi there,

I am using Jackson for message serialization and getting the error message:

Type id handling not implemented for type scala.Tuple3 (by serializer of type com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.ser.TupleSerializer)

I have below Polymorphic types defined as:

class PyContextMetaType

case class Wpbp (sepInd: Int
                 , esgGrping: Int
                 , psaGrping: Int
                 , pernr: BigInt
                 , eeGrp: Char
                 , eeSubGrp: String
                 , perArea: String
                 , perSubArea: String
                 , orgUnit: String
                 , position: String
                 , costCenter: String) extends PyContextMetaType

case class IT (var sepInd: Int,
                esgGrping: Int,
               wtCode: String = "",
              wtText: String = "",
               var rte: Double = 0,
               var num: Double = 0,
               var amt: Double = 0,
               currency: String = "XXX") extends PyContextMetaType

Then I defined case class LogNode which uses PyContextMetaType as memebers:

case class LogNode(var text: String,
                   dadNode: Option[AnyRef] = None,
                   @JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, property = "PyContextMetaType")
                       new JsonSubTypes.Type(value = classOf[IT], name = "IT"),
                       new JsonSubTypes.Type(value = classOf[Wpbp], name = "Wpbp")
                   var data: Option[(List[List[PyContextMetaType]],List[String],List[List[PyContextMetaType]])] = None,
                   children: ListBuffer[LogNode] = new ListBuffer[LogNode],
                   detailText: String = "") extends CborSerializable{


For the “data” member, since it is Polymorphic types, so I added @JsonTypeInfo & @JsonSubTypes.

When doing serialization, the I got error message returned as:

Type id handling not implemented for type scala.Tuple3 (by serializer of type com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.ser.TupleSerializer)

How should I solve this? Do I have to define a custom serialier/deserializer for scala.Tuple3? If yes, could you please shed some light?

Thanks in advance

I have raised same post to Scala User forum:

And it turns out be due to an existing issue of jackson-module-scala:

That is to say when we placing a polymorphic type into a scala type container like Seq or Tuple, etc, then the type info will be lost even if we use @JsonTypeInfo annotation.