Use of Await in Controller

am I doing right things

val delay = 10 seconds
def createHome(id: UUID): Action[JsValue] =
    Action(parse.json) { implicit request =>

      request.body.validate[HomeData] match {
        case JsSuccess(data, _) =>
          val userId = UUID.randomUUID() // this is come from token
         if(Await.result(userapiService.checkPermission(userId,id,"Creation").invoke,delay )){
             if(Await.result(userapiService.checkQuota(id,"check").invoke,delay )){
                Ok("do what ever you want to do")

              }else Unauthorized("you should recharge your plan")
          }else Unauthorized("you don't have permission to create ")

        case _ => BadRequest("some thing went wrong check your request first")

You should avoid the use of Await in Play controllers, as it will block the calling thread and reduce the efficiency of the server, which is designed for non-blocking I/O. Instead, you can use an asynchronous action builder and compose the futures:

I haven’t tested this code, but it would look something like this:

def createHome(id: UUID): Action[JsValue] =
    Action.async(parse.json) { implicit request =>
      request.body.validate[HomeData] match {
        case JsSuccess(data, _) =>
          val userId = UUID.randomUUID() // this is come from token
          userapiService.checkPermission(userId,id,"Creation").invoke.flatMap { hasPermission =>
            if (hasPermission) {
              userapiService.checkQuota(id,"check") { withinQuota =>
              if (withinQuota) {
                Ok("do what ever you want to do")
              } else Unauthorized("you should recharge your plan")
            } else Future.successful(Unauthorized("you don't have permission to create "))
        case _ => Future.successful(BadRequest("some thing went wrong check your request first"))

It would be more readable with some additional refactoring to split it up into multiple methods, but hopefully the main idea comes across: prefer flatMap and map over Await.result.

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