Centralized configuration management

In Lagom/Play/Akka, what is the better practice for “Centralized configuration management”?? is there any?


What do you consider as “Centralized configuration management” and what do you want to achieve with it?
Is it for development purposes or production?


something like Spring Config or Consul.io.


There is no “centralized” configuration management offered by Akka/Play/Akka but I assume you require configuration per deployment environment. I will assume you use k8s where k8s is, in the way, offering this kind of feature.
Check Lagom kubernetes setup considerations
Configuration considers service discovery, “external service” discovery and service specific configuration.

  1. Service discovery is transparent via k8s when using Akka Discovery DNS or k8s API
  2. “External service”, if using k8s headless service is also transparent via k8s, if using conf then check #3
  3. service specific configuration:
    you can override -Dconfig.resource, via deployment yaml, to point to required *.conf (resource can be part of the build or provided via k8s config map)

Hope this helps.
