ConductR sandbox exception

Hi everyone, I have a little problem about conductr usage. When I running my all services on the local environment(via localhost) everything looks fine. When I load my microservices to the conductr sandbox, I sent the same request but I got exception. Any idea ?

    "name": "Exception",
    "detail": ""

I look it up in the monitoring feature with kibana it gives me:

  "_index": "conductr",
  "_type": "rfc5424",
  "_id": "AWP_ASEfZ1n_SuMQ09ic",
  "_score": null,
  "_source": {
    "header": {
      "pri": {
        "facility": "user",
        "severity": "INFO"
      "version": 1,
      "timestamp": "2018-06-14T18:54:13.148+03:00",
      "hostname": "saltik-MBP",
      "app-name": "ConductR-Agent",
      "procid": "-",
      "msgid": null
    "data": {
      "mdc@49285": {
        "bundleId": "58c9abea9c53c6e573d8500530a5f4d4",
        "bundleName": "my-microservice-api-impl",
        "source": "akka://conductr-agent/user/reaper",
        "class": "class com.typesafe.conductr.agent.Reaper"
      "akka@49285": {
        "system-name": "conductr-agent",
        "thread": ""
    "message": "2018-06-14T15:54:10.919Z [\u001b[31merror\u001b[0m] service [] - Exception in RestCallIdImpl(POST,/api/test/)"
  "fields": {
    "_ttl": 1209597692,
    "header.timestamp": [
  "highlight": {
    "message": [
      "2018-06-14T15:54:10.919Z [\u001b[31merror\u001b[0m] service [] - @kibana-highlighted-field@Exception@/kibana-highlighted-field@ in RestCallIdImpl(POST,/api/test/)"
  "sort": [