Lightbend Tutorial doesn't work on SBT version 1.8.2

Hello, I’m current going through Lightbend’s tutorial on Microservices: Section 2: Start a project :: Akka Guide, however I’m running into an issue where if I upgrade the sbt.version to 1.8.2 and and run the shopping-cart-service with the command below the CoordinatedShutdown immediately fires. This does not occur with the sbt.version set to the original value of 1.5.6. I have attached the full terminal output from the sbt run command. Looking for some help to solve this or provide additional context.

sbt -Dconfig.resource=local1.conf run
[info] welcome to sbt 1.8.2 (GraalVM Community Java 17.0.6)
[info] loading global plugins from /home/tylsch/.sbt/1.0/plugins
[info] loading settings for project shopping-cart-service-build from plugins.sbt ...
[info] loading project definition from /home/tylsch/Downloads/shopping-cart/shopping-cart-service/project
[info] loading settings for project shopping-cart-service from build.sbt ...
[info] set current project to shopping-cart-service (in build file:/home/tylsch/Downloads/shopping-cart/shopping-cart-service/)
[info] running shopping.cart.Main 
[2023-03-14 20:40:40,501] [INFO] [akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger] [] [] [] - Slf4jLogger started
[2023-03-14 20:40:40,698] [INFO] [akka.remote.artery.ArteryTransport] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Remoting started with transport [Artery tcp]; listening on address [akka://ShoppingCartService@] with UID [8331108722203436815]
[2023-03-14 20:40:40,709] [INFO] [akka.cluster.Cluster] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Cluster Node [akka://ShoppingCartService@] - Starting up, Akka version [2.7.0] ...
[2023-03-14 20:40:40,764] [INFO] [akka.cluster.Cluster] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Cluster Node [akka://ShoppingCartService@] - Registered cluster JMX MBean [akka:type=Cluster]
[2023-03-14 20:40:40,764] [INFO] [akka.cluster.Cluster] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Cluster Node [akka://ShoppingCartService@] - Started up successfully
[2023-03-14 20:40:40,779] [INFO] [akka.cluster.Cluster] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Cluster Node [akka://ShoppingCartService@] - No seed nodes found in configuration, relying on Cluster Bootstrap for joining
[2023-03-14 20:40:40,782] [INFO] [akka.cluster.sbr.SplitBrainResolver] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - SBR started. Config: strategy [KeepMajority], stable-after [20 seconds], down-all-when-unstable [15 seconds], selfUniqueAddress [akka://ShoppingCartService@], selfDc [default].
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,038] [INFO] [] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Loading readiness checks [(cluster-membership,, (sharding,akka.cluster.sharding.ClusterShardingHealthCheck)]
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,038] [INFO] [] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Loading liveness checks []
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,079] [INFO] [] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Binding Akka Management (HTTP) endpoint to:
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,111] [INFO] [] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Including HTTP management routes for ClusterHttpManagementRouteProvider
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,132] [INFO] [] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Including HTTP management routes for ClusterBootstrap
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,134] [INFO] [] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Using self contact point address:
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,141] [INFO] [] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Including HTTP management routes for HealthCheckRoutes
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,277] [INFO] [] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Initiating bootstrap procedure using config method...
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,278] [INFO] [] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Bootstrap using `akka.discovery` method: config
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,281] [INFO] [] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [akkaManagementBound] [] - Bound Akka Management (HTTP) endpoint to:
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,289] [INFO] [] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [akkaBootstrapInit] [] - Locating service members. Using discovery [akka.discovery.config.ConfigServiceDiscovery], join decider [], scheme [http]
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,289] [INFO] [] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Looking up [Lookup(shopping-cart-service,Some(management),Some(tcp))]
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,292] [INFO] [] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [akkaBootstrapResolved] [] - Located service members based on: [Lookup(shopping-cart-service,Some(management),Some(tcp))]: [ResolvedTarget(,Some(9101),None), ResolvedTarget(,Some(9102),None), ResolvedTarget(,Some(9103),None)], filtered to [,,]
[success] Total time: 2 s, completed Mar 14, 2023, 8:40:41 PM
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,323] [INFO] [] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Running CoordinatedShutdown with reason [JvmExitReason]
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,328] [INFO] [akka.cluster.Cluster] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Cluster Node [akka://ShoppingCartService@] - Exiting completed
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,328] [INFO] [] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [akkaDeadLetter] [] - Message [akka.cluster.ClusterUserAction$Leave] to Actor[akka://ShoppingCartService/system/cluster/core/daemon#1579374954] was unhandled. [1] dead letters encountered. This logging can be turned off or adjusted with configuration settings 'akka.log-dead-letters' and 'akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown'.
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,328] [INFO] [akka.cluster.Cluster] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Cluster Node [akka://ShoppingCartService@] - Shutting down...
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,329] [INFO] [akka.cluster.Cluster] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Cluster Node [akka://ShoppingCartService@] - Successfully shut down
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,341] [INFO] [akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Shutting down remote daemon.
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,342] [INFO] [akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Remote daemon shut down; proceeding with flushing remote transports.
[2023-03-14 20:40:41,352] [INFO] [akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator] [akka://ShoppingCartService@] [] [] - Remoting shut down.

Sorry for the inconvenience. This is an known issue and we haven’t got around to update the samples yet. It should work with sbt 1.8.2 if you include this in build.sbt:

run / fork := true
// pass along config selection to forked jvm
run / javaOptions ++= sys.props
  .fold(Seq.empty[String])(res => Seq(s"-Dconfig.resource=$res"))
Global / cancelable := false // ctrl-c

You can see the full build file of an up to date sample here: akka-projection/build.sbt at main · akka/akka-projection · GitHub

Thanks @patriknw, that fixed issue and the application is now working!