Akka management automate cluster.bootstrap.new-cluster-enabled redeploy

From Akka management docs:
A setting is provided, akka.management.cluster.bootstrap.new-cluster-enabled that can be disable new cluster formation to only allow the node to join existing clusters.

  • On initial deployment use the default akka.management.cluster.bootstrap.new-cluster-enabled=on
  • Following the initial deployment it is recommended to set akka.management.cluster.bootstrap.new-cluster-enabled=off with an immediate re-deployment once the initial cluster has formed

When deploying this in a k8 pipeline on the initial helm install this needs to be set this to “on”, then a helm upgrade must be run.

Overriding the variable though a values file just on the helm install, is one approach.

Since the nodes deployed on the helm install are just there for seeding purposes, it would be best to just deploy a minimal number of pods (enough to meet the min contact point requirements) and not deploy associated k8 resources in your helm chart like services etc. for the initial install. But I don’t want to maintain a separate chart for this, is there a way to run the helm install for a chart only but only deploy a specific resource (pod) in this case . Are there any other approaches to automate this?